Category: Book Reviews

Lumen Fidei – The Light of Faith
Pope Benedict XVI started off his pontificate with Deus Caritas Est—God is Love. He later added his encyclical Spe Salvi—On Christian Hope. Now that Pope Francis has taken over as captain of the Barque of Peter, he has finished up where Benedict left off with Lumen Fidei—the Light of Faith.
Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace
This short little book seeks to dive into the richness of possibly the most famous prayer in the Christian tradition, the prayer of St. Francis. In Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace: Living in the Spirit of the Prayer of St. Francis Kent Nerburn explores the overt themes of hope, suffering, love, and joy paired with beautiful stories from his own experiences that truly touch the heart.
Jesus Shock
When you think of Peter Kreeft you think of philosophy and thick books on theology. However, this 160 page book Jesus Shock is anything but. It's a small little book, but it packs a punch. Kreeft's main premise in the book is to uncover, or even to recover the true Jesus, not just the happy-go-lucky nice guy that we have turned him into. He wasn't just a nice guy. He is God.
Fathered by God
What has happened to men in recent years? Why do there seem to be less and less men willing to lead their families and follow God? What has happened to our honor and respect? John Eldredge answers all of these questions in Fathered by God: Learning What Your Dad Could Never Teach You.
No Greater Love
How can you not love Mother Teresa? People of all faiths can appreciate her example of what love really is. That admiration, that respect that we feel for her, that draws us to her, is how I imagine Jesus effected those who came in contact with Him as he walked this earth.
Reluctant Saint
He is one of the most revered saints of all time—having inspired many over the past 800 years. And although he didn't seek fame or notoriety, his exemplary living of the Christian faith is one that anyone can find inspirational. Many times the lives of the saints are glorified, offering an unrealistic view of who they really were. But Donald Spoto, author of over 19 biographies, uses his honed skills to chronicle the truth about the leader of the Lesser Brothers in Reluctant Saint: The Life of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Deus Caritas Est – God is Love
Written in the first year of his pontificate, Deus Caritas Est is Pope Benedict XVI's brief, first Encyclical letter. His desire was to remind the Church—the laity, religious, and ordained—that above all else God is love.
Surprised by Truth
To many people religion is not a choice, but something you are born into, especially when it comes to Catholicism. Most Catholics are baptized as infants and never choose to be a part of the Church. And though some of these "cradle Catholics" decide later in life that the Church is not for them, there are many who look on from the outside and feel a calling to come home.
The Lamb’s Supper
Dr. Scott Hahn is a former Presbyterian pastor turned ardent Catholic New Testament scholar, author, and founder of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. In less than 200 pages he relates the book of Revelation to the Mass as what he rightly calls Heaven on Earth. As always he has toned it down so that the book is very is easy to read and written on a level that anyone could understand.