Category: Videos

CARLOS ZAMORA aka C2SIX – A Catholic Hip Hop Artist on Boldness of Speech & Witness [#002] Videos

CARLOS ZAMORA aka C2SIX – A Catholic Hip Hop Artist on Boldness of Speech & Witness [#002]

In this episode I sit down with gangsta rapper turned Catholic hip hop artist Carlos Zamora aka C2Six and talk about how that transformation happened in the first place. We also get into the topic of evangelization, both through music and social media, and discuss the importance of using bold, direct speech to provide clarity on matters of Church teaching, something we both agreed is lacking in the Catholic Church these days.
What it Means to Be a Catholic Parent Videos

What it Means to Be a Catholic Parent

Being a parent is hard enough, but add to that being a Catholic parent and it's ten times more difficult. What does it mean to be a parent? What is our goal as parents? How can we teach our children to be disciples of Jesus? It's a lot to unpack, but in this video you'll get the answers to all of these questions and more.
Natural Family Planning: The Secret Every Couple Should Know Videos

Natural Family Planning: The Secret Every Couple Should Know

Natural Family Planning is a phrase most married couples have never heard. Too many couples these days, out of ignorance, use birth control to prevent pregnancy. It's the cause of so many problems in marriage and as we believe prevents a husband and wife from truly giving themselves to each other. In this interview we talk with our good friend and fellow YouTuber Jady Alvarez about something we are both passionate believers and practicers of, namely, Natural Family Planning.