Category: Articles

How to Become a Saint: A 13-Step Guide from the Little Flower Herself Articles

How to Become a Saint: A 13-Step Guide from the Little Flower Herself

Everybody wants to get to Heaven, but not everyone wants to become a saint. I would argue that the reason for this is simple: going to Heaven is like taking a trip, you are going somewhere, whereas becoming a saint requires effort to make changes in your life that award you not only the gift of holiness, but eternity with God and His people in Heaven. But I challenge you that becoming a saint is actually rather simple and have produced this thirteen step guide, with the help of the Little Flower, to assist you in the process.
A Pope’s Guide to Good Sex Articles

A Pope’s Guide to Good Sex

One must admit that sex is definitely the most controversial topic in the Catholic Church in recent years. Many are quick to assume that Catholics think God doesn't like sex or to judge that the Church is too strict on issues like contraception, abortion, and homosexuality. And in the over-sexualized society that we find ourselves in it can be difficult to understand why the Church hasn't eased up on the sex issue. The Church thinks that sex is good, actually great, and even holy! Read on as the Pope explains Catholic teaching on sex and more in his encyclical letter Humanae Vitae.
5 Things Changing Diapers Will Teach You About Sin Articles

5 Things Changing Diapers Will Teach You About Sin

Being a father puts you in the unique position to understand a little better the mysteries of God, especially when it comes to His infinite mercy. I'm a brand new dad and already I've learned so much in having a little boy to look after. I couldn't tell you how many dirty diapers I've changed in these past three weeks. It's not something I would complain about, but it's helped me to learn five interesting new things about sin and I wanted to share them with you.
What the Deaf Man Told Me Articles

What the Deaf Man Told Me

Yesterday at Mass we heard about another one of the miraculous healings performed by Jesus in the Gospel of Mark. The reading is titled "The Healing of a Deaf Man" and I must admit I had trouble finding meaning or significance in this story, because I felt that it was not an experience I could relate to. Since I felt that it was going right over my head, I decided to challenge myself and instead of just passing over it as usual, to delve deeper into the gospel passage in search of something that would touch my heart.
Spiritual Life Lessons from Labor Day Articles

Spiritual Life Lessons from Labor Day

Since it's Labor Day and we just had a baby a week ago, I figured now would be a good time to reflect on some of the spiritual life lessons that I have learned as my wife was in labor delivering our beautiful baby boy. Being our first child it was a completely new experience for both of us, and thank God it was nothing like what we've seen in movies or on television, nor as dramatic as people have told us it would be. It was an amazing experience and we're blessed to know that God was with us every step—or shall we say centimeter—of the way.
Fathered by God Articles

Fathered by God

What has happened to men in recent years? Why do there seem to be less and less men willing to lead their families and follow God? What has happened to our honor and respect? John Eldredge answers all of these questions in Fathered by God: Learning What Your Dad Could Never Teach You.
Getting Your Homily Fix Articles

Getting Your Homily Fix

Catholic priests don't always have the reputation of setting the pulpit on fire with their preaching. In fact, many Catholics would complain about their pastor not being a good preacher at all. This is certainly unfortunate in a time when so many people are searching for purpose, encouragement, and truth.
Secret Millionaire Articles

Secret Millionaire

Inspirational Reality TV is no longer an oxymoron. ABC's Secret Millionaire is a breath of fresh air when it comes to reality television. Not only does it provide a positive message, but it also serves as inspiration to viewers by calling them to be active in their communities by helping others.
Jesus Gave the Church Authority Articles

Jesus Gave the Church Authority

There is something different about Christianity, something that sets it apart from any other religion, namely, Christ. Christianity is not just a set of rules, but rather a relationship with it's founder, who also happens to be God. Most religions are what might be termed as a sort of "stairway to heaven," a way to get to God, or to possess the divine, but in the case of Christianity it is the opposite. Our God has come to us and given us His divine life through His Church.
Put a Smile on Your Face Articles

Put a Smile on Your Face

Why do you look so sad? Smug? Sick? I ask myself this question everyday, multiple times throughout the day. When I realize that I am not smiling I make a serious effort to do so, even if I am in a bad mood.
A Different Kind of Witness Articles

A Different Kind of Witness

My wife and I went for a walk yesterday and noticed a house with signs all around it warning that there was video surveillance on the premises. She took the fact that these signs were printed in spanish to mean that the residents must be racist in thinking that only spanish speakers would think of robbing the house. This thought never crossed my mind. I took it to mean that the residents were probably spanish speakers and for that reason posted spanish signs. We both made assumptions based on our past experience.
No Greater Love Articles

No Greater Love

How can you not love Mother Teresa? People of all faiths can appreciate her example of what love really is. That admiration, that respect that we feel for her, that draws us to her, is how I imagine Jesus effected those who came in contact with Him as he walked this earth.