
If You’re Too Busy, Watch the Sunset

Photo by Luca Galuzzi

This culture keeps us on the proverbial edge of our seats, flying around like worker bees from task to task by the seat of our pants, hardly able to finish anything or gain fulfillment while we attempt to. Living this way begins to take a toll on us physically, psychologically, emotionally, and even spiritually.

Busyness is Bad

Busyness is antithetical to the life of grace. We are supposed to drown ourselves in the ocean of God, yet we prefer to glide over the surface, chasing after fleeting pleasures and spending ridiculous amounts of time doing things when what we need is to just be in His presence.

“Lord you made us for Thyself, therefore our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.” ~ St. Augustine of Hippo


Yes, right now. Take a few deep breathes. Forget for a moment about the unending list of things you’ve got to get done today. Don’t think. Don’t speak. Just be.

“Be still and know that I am God.” ~ Psalm 46:10

Take in the beauty of God, His majesty. Let Him grant you the peace that you most certainly need with such a busy life. Trust me, He is the only One who can give it to you. And the only way He can give it to you is if you take a moment out of your busyness and ask Him.

“Every one of us needs half an hour of prayer a day, except when we are busy-then we need an hour.” ~ St. Frances de Sales

When I watch the sun set, I am always left in awe of the beauty of God’s Creation. To think, He gives us this beautiful show every evening. The fact that we are oblivious to it speaks to the fact that we are oblivious to God. He made this world for us. He wants us to enjoy it.

The other thing sunsets do is give me time to pause, to reflect, to remember how good God is. I guarantee you the same results.

Challenge: Take time this week to stop everything you’re doing and watch the sunset. If possible, share that moment with someone else. Then come back here and tell us about it.