“I’ve seen it happen across the country. Parishes that have opened up a 24-hour adoration chapels and the parish has been revolutionized. And I think that’s not the least bit surprising, really. When you put the Eucharist in the very clear center of the parish, I think everything changes. So, that’s the first step I would take if I were a pastor, is let’s make sure we have a 24-hour adoration chapel. Let’s get people involved, praying around the clock and I’d be willing to bet within a short time, the parish will be revolutionized. Now there are a lot of other things practically you can do, but I would do that first.”
Three Reasons Eucharistic Adoration is the Answer
I must say that I agree whole-heartedly with Fr. Barron on this. Since my entry into the Church almost five years ago the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament always intrigued me and I have come to appreciate beyond measure the power of Eucharistic Adoration. I believe it can change the life of a parish for three reasons that I think Fr. Barron states ever so clearly in this clip.
1. You’re Putting Jesus at the Center
Christ has to come first. Period. For many Catholics Jesus is no more than a character “in a galaxy far, far away.” You might know everything there is to know about Jesus, but if you don’t know Him, if you haven’t experienced Him, then what’s the point? By having Eucharistic Adoration around the clock it clearly sends a message that a parish is focused on what it should be. All the ministry work and evangelizing is great stuff, but without Jesus it’s pointless. And without the intimate relationship with Christ Himself, why would you really want to tell other people about Him? Evangelization is to tell people about, or better yet to bring people to Jesus. If they won’t come, perhaps you should bring Jesus to them.
2. You’re Getting People Involved
People need motivation. People need something to works towards, something to belong to. I think getting people organized around a common goal creates a very strong call-to-action, something lacking in many parishes. There are 77 million Catholics sitting around in this country. How amazing it would be to get them all involved, engaged, practicing, living the faith. Wow!
3. You’re Encouraging People to Pray
Everyone knows they are supposed to pray. Few actually do it. And even fewer make it a daily practice. But imagine if you and your fellow parishioners were praying 24-hours-a-day for each other, for the faith of their brothers and sisters, for the success of their ministry work, for the Spirit of God to transform the parish and it’s surrounding community. That’s powerful. When people pray, things happen. A parish full of prayer warriors would be a powerful force to recon with. It takes them out of themselves and builds them into a body, “the body of Christ.”
Bring Your Parish to Christ!
Do you think Eucharistic Adoration would change your parish? Share the idea with your fellow parishioners. Encourage your pastor if he needs the extra push. What will revolutionize your parish, Jesus Christ truly present body, blood, soul, and divinity in the Eucharist. Bring your parish to Christ!