It is easier to believe what they teach you in school, than to have faith that God exists and Christ lives.
It is easier to do nothing, than to help the people who need it the most.
It is easier to make excuses, than to follow our God with conviction.
It is easier to adore the famous, than to praise and give thanks to the Lord.
It is easier to talk down to our brothers, than to live together and share the love of God.
It is easier to listen to the gossip, than to listen to the voice of the Lord.
It is easier to read the Bible, than to interpret the Word of God.
It is easier to receive the blessings, than to fight for the good of God’s people.
It is easier to feel pride, than to love and to help with humility.
It is easier to talk with your friends, than to communicate with the Lord.
It is easier to let the world continue to sin, than to help it to find the way of the Lord.
It is easier to deny His existence, than to give your heart to Christ the King.
It is easier to waist money on your vices, than to give and tithe with honor.
It is easier to criticize the Church, than to help to grow and develop.
It is easier to have feelings of hate, than to forgive the people that have hurt you.
It is easy to say “I am a christian,” but it’s not easy to follow Christ.