The Gospel is the Good News, and we often think about it as Jesus’ teaching and preaching. However, Jesus didn’t just want us to study the Bible and listen to Him. He wanted us to go out and change the world! The only way we can do this is by bringing the Gospel to life. We’ve got to take the words off the page and live it. We’ve got to awaken our lifeless faith, break through the monotony, rekindle the romance, fall in love with God again, and listen to His call to give everything we are to bring about the Kingdom of God, NOW!
When we begin to live as Jesus lived we become radicals. And the Christian should be a radical, because to be a Christian in this world is to go against the grain, to be counter-cultural. And it ain’t always easy, believe me. But, it’s our mission as the Church. So, as we enter into 2014 the year of Our Lord, let us get serious about our faith. Let us take up our arms and march into battle. Let us conquer the world for Christ. Let us bring about the Kingdom. Let us change the world. There is only one way to do it.
Bringing the Gospel to Life
“Not to put the word into practice, not to make it reality, is to build on sand, to remain in the realm of pure ideas and to end up in a lifeless and unfruitful self-centeredness and gnosticism.”
Strong words from a strong man of faith. I’ve accepted the challenge. And that’s why things are changing here at EvangelizeLA. I’m going back to the original mission: Bringing the Gospel to Life in the City of Angels. This year you will find shorter posts and each one will be a challenge on a specific aspect of the Gospel. I am going to challenge you and myself to bring to life the Gospel.
Are you with me? Then prove it. At the bottom of this screen enter your email address and join EvangelizeLA. Make it your mission and together as the Body of Christ we will change the world.