
How to Get the Bible Wrong


The “Living” Word

The first thing you’ve got to understand is that the Bible is not just a collection of stories. The Bible is the Word of God, the living Word of God, and through it God speaks to you, personally.

“The word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.”

~ Hebrews 4:12

That’s why you can read a passage of scripture on multiple occasions and hear God speaking to you, saying different things each time. You have to approach your time with the Bible as personal time between you and God. There is power in the Word. You’ll be surprised how a passage can speak directly to a situation you are going through. It can comfort you, give you hope, challenge you, inspire you, and give you the kick in the butt that you need to start taking your faith seriously.

One way you can get more personal with God’s Word is to put your name in it. Many times you’ll see references to “Jacob” or “people of Israel”. In those instances I swap it out for my name. That way when I read it it is easier for me to recognize the fact that God is speaking directly to me. Try it, it will change the way you encounter God through the Bible forever. Guaranteed.