
A New Way to Approach the New Year


Last year, I created a long list of goals for myself. I divided them up into different categories: Relationship with God, Relationship with Wife/Family, Personal/Self, Work/Finance, Ministry/Service, etc. I set great goals for each aspect of my life. There were about 40 different goals on that list and last week I took it out checked off the ones that I had actually achieved. There were five of them. Out of 40!
So this year I decided I am going to take a different approach. The problem is that we set our goals, make our plans, and ask God to bless them. This is where we go wrong!

“Men plan, God laughs.”

~ Anonymous

God has created each of us with a specific purpose. He has given us each a mission and a vocation, prepared us and equipped us, then sent us out. And as soon as we take the first step we forget everything He has taught us. We try to do it on our own, our way. We change the plans, come up with our own ideas, and this is why we fail miserably.

A Challenge for 2015

So this year I’m challenging myself and you, my friends and readers, to a new approach to the New Year. Here are three pointers:

1. Keep it Simple

I went in to great detail last year. And as they say, the devil is in the details. I’ve realized that the enemy wants to keep us busy, because our busyness keeps us from walking with God, from living in His will. We are all so busy doing this or that, or even thinking about what we have to get done, that we forget about God. Then the enemy wins! This year I am keeping my list short and focused. And I am worrying less about what I have to do and more about who God wants me to be.

2. Be Realistic

My list last year was far too long. It was very specific. It was too much! Sure, it would’ve been awesome to achieve all of those things, but it was not realistic. There is only so much time in a day. Looking back it is obvious to me that there was no possible way I could have done all of the things that were on my list with the limited time and resources that I have been given. I don’t think God wants us to be in all places and do all things, otherwise He would’ve made us omnipresent. This is why we are the Church, a community, a family, that together can achieve great things!

3. Ask God for His Plans

“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and everything else will be given you besides.”

~ Matthew 6:33

This is so true, but sadly we fail to see the fruits of this promise, because we don’t even try. If we turn first to God and be who He has called us and challenged us to be, then we will begin to see His blessings in our lives. Once we take up the work He gives us, the rest of our lives begin to fall into place. When He is the center, the Sun of our universe, then our lives begin to revolve around Him. Order is restored. Blessing becomes a reality. Mary shows us this truth in her response to God’s call:

“Let it be done unto me according to your Word.”

Luke 1:38

Now I know these pointers are exactly the opposite of what we normally do, but that’s the idea. Try something new this year. Walk with God. You’ll be pleasantly surprised with where He leads you. Have a blessed 2015!