
New Computer Ministry

You may ask: What is ACTS? It is an evangelization ministry beginning with a weekend retreat that, hopefully, with the working of the Spirit will bring about some kind of a conversion experience on the part of the candidate doing it that may result in some kind of “born-again” experience. ACTS is an acronym which stands for Adoration, Community, Theology, Service. As long as I attempt to enhance the lives of my ACTS brothers with the theological component, I judge that I may as well share the same with my friends via Facebook and Linkedin. Theology is simply putting into words our Faith reality. We need to continue to study and grow in the understanding of our Faith or it will diminish as seems to be true of a significant part of our Catholic people. Of course, prayer and suffering must go along with the study. Faith can be defined or looked at in many ways. I prefer to see it as a relationship that our God of Revelation has chosen to have with us through His Covenant. Relationships need to be nourished. Otherwise, they grow cold. We have too many hurtful situations in our beloved Church today because growth in an adult fashion has not taken place. Too many among us are fearful or afraid. They hold on to an older theology because they feel secure with such while others continue to grow in the development of their theological understanding.

I have a generous ACTS brother, Ricky Jones, who will be helping me with the technology. The truth is I know little about computers. With humility, I have been able to do many aspects of ministry over the years. I envision sending out “posts” to all of you. If a question arises from you, I will make my best effort to consider it with you privately via the computer. Ricky’s website is appropriately called EvangelizeLA. A week ago today, I shared with my ACTS brothers at our weekly meeting a presentation entitled: Rights vs. Laws: Issues dealing with the separation of Church and State. This will give you some idea of the flavor of some possible posts that I may share with you. I neither desire nor intend to be argumentative. Yet, since I indicated in my book my own political stance which if you have not read the book is a Christian libertarian, my politics are not a secret. I may on occasion consider Scriptural issues as I did with a good friend of mine from Brawley this morning. Or, I may possibly comment on a movie I have seen such as the Hunger Games which I saw yesterday.

The mission of our Church is to evangelize our culture. Culture is nothing more than the way we live our lives. It will be my goal to do a ministry that will help you, and through you, to evangelize our world. It will require openness of mind and heart. It will require, above all, love. My own personal definition of a developed mature Christian is: One who is able to love others despite our differences.

Peace and Joy!