Book Reviews

Lumen Fidei – The Light of Faith

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Pope Francis has publicly stated that his first encyclical is the “work of four hands” due to the fact that it was written largely by Pope Benedict XVI before his decision to step down. This is clearly evident in the style of the document which bears heavily the mark of Benedict.

Living Life in the Light Faith

This encyclical letter is divided up into four chapters and over the past month or so we’ve been diving deep into each of those chapters in my series Living Life in the Light of Faith. I’ve come up with four important themes that run throughout the letter and in this series we explore each of these themes in detail as we learn how to live life in the light of faith.

1. Faith is Relationship

“When we talk about faith we are not talking about the beliefs held by the Church, important though they may be. We are talking about the relationship we have with God. This means we don’t see Him as some superior being in a galaxy far away, but rather so close that He cannot be ignored.”

In Faith & Fidelity: A Relationship with God we learn that faith is a gift, it is a relationship based on the remembrance of a promise, and that although it personal, it is not private.

2. Faith is Like a Fire

“When Moses first experienced God, He saw Him as a burning bush, yet the fire did not consume the bush. This is not just some fantastical image, it explains an important truth about how God interacts with us. He doesn’t control us. He sets us on fire with His love without ever taking away from us our uniqueness, our personality, our humanity.”

In Why Faith is Like a Burning Fire we explore the second chapter of Lumen Fidei in which we learn that coming to faith—accepting the gift of faith—is to be touched by God.

3. Faith is Meant to Be Shared

“Unlike in the material world where we grasp onto our possessions and keep them to ourselves—locked up in the impenetrable confines of our selfishness—faith is a gift that we in turn must share with others. Faith is shared because if it is kept selfishly within than it will decay, for it is meant to be a gift that is lived in common and shared with all in relationship with God and with His children.”

In Why Faith is Meant to Be Shared and How to Do It we explore one of my favorite topics evangelization. We learn from Pope Francis why it is important to share our faith with others and how we can pass it on effectively.

4. Faith is Good for the World

“So many people see faith as an individual opinion or point of view, but faith in God is not like this at all. When we accept the gift of faith it is true that we are invited into a personal relationship, but the external effect of this interior life is one that actually brings us out of ourselves and closer to those around us.”

In Why Faith is Good for the World we discuss the reality that faith in God unites us not only with Him, but with all people. We put to rest the lie of our culture that says faith divides.


Faith, Hope, & Love

Shortly after Francis’ election as Vicar of Christ, CatholicVote released a powerful image of our last three popes each labeled with one of the three theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity. The image serves to encapsulate the primary mission and vocation of each of the three pontiffs: John Paul II and his message of hope; Benedict XVI and his teaching of the faith; Francis with his witness to charity.

It’s clear that caritas—selfless love—is going to be Francis’ primary vocation as he shows the world what a Christian is supposed to look like. It’s not only a reminder to the world, but also to the Church. What’s important to remember is that our expression of love or charity comes from our personal encounter with true Love in the person of Jesus Christ. Placing our faith in Him we enter into a relationship of love which fills us and overflows into the lives of others. So the virtue of charity is inextricably linked to the virtue of faith.

In addition to the four themes we’ve explored above, Pope Francis also comes to the rescue of faith, doing away with our modern culture’s idea that truth is relative—subjective to each persons thoughts or opinions. He proves that truth, specifically the Truth known in faith, cannot be subjective. Relativism is one of the biggest enemies of faith in the modern world, but thankfully Francis has provided answers to those seeking to find the Truth. May they step into the light of faith, be touched by God, and shine His light on the world.

The full text of Lumen Fidei is available for free online at Additionally, you can purchase Lumen Fidei in hardback book form or for Kindle from